Activities of the Department of Biology

The Department of Biology participates in numerous events to inspire potential future students to study biology at ETH or to raise awareness of its research among the general public in various interest and age groups.
- ETH unterwegs (roadshow at secondary schools throughout Switzerland)
- Zukunftstag (aimed at children aged 10 to 13)
- external page Scientifica (aimed at the general public)
- ETH Study Week (secondary school students aged about 17 carry out a project in the Department of Biology for one week)
- Study Information Days (fair for secondary school graduates one year before the start of their studies)
- Visits by school classes (more information and contact: Dominic Dähler)
- Treffpunkt Science City: ETH Zurich’s public science programme for all ages, participation of faculty and labs depending on the specific topic
Life Science Zürich

A variety of other outreach activities are carried out by external page Life Science Zurich (LSZ), which is supported equally by the D-BIOL and the Faculty of Science of the University of Zurich. The Graduate School and the Learning Center are also affiliated with the LSZ, as well as the Young Scientist Network and the Business Network.
Through its activities, the LSZ promotes dialog with the public on scientific topics and interrelationships, communicates knowledge, and contributes to anchoring Zurich as a national and international center of excellence in education.