The research areas of the Department of Biology
In the various laboratories of the Department of Biology, the fundamentals of life are researched in different areas. A large number of different experimental systems are used to clarify fundamental questions in biology. The investigation of the relationship between structure and function at all levels of biological complexity is the central research topic of the department. This includes, for example, dependencies between biomolecules and their ligands, between biomolecules and cell structures, recognition processes between cells and tissue and the functioning of the entire organism.
Internationally renowned department
The research that is taking place in the Department of Biology is highly respected within international scientific academia. This has been confirmed by several external sources. For example, in 2017 an external team of internationally renowned scientists conducted a professional evaluation and confirmed that the research at the Department of Biology is of highest international caliber. Furthermore, in 2002 Professor Kurt Wüthrich was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his pioneering developments to elucidate spatial structures of biological molecules in solution.
Research output visualization
The topics on which research is carried out in the D-BIOL, may be shown in a visual way. The more often a word appears in the publication titles of researchers of the department, the greater is the font.

Research topics in 2021

Research topics in 2020

Research topics in 2019

Research topics in 2018
Research topics in 2017
Research topics in 2016

Research topics in 2015