Biology degree completed - and then?
At the invitation of the D-BIOL and the Association of Biology Students (VeBiS), 34 biologists gave 3-minute presentations as part of the "Your Future in Biology" event on the careers they have chosen and what studying biology has brought them.
Some examples showing the wide range of professions are selected below. All videos can be found here: external page Your Future in Biology
Diana Coman

Scientific IT Services, ETH Zurich; Personalized Health Data Services Manager ETH Zürich
- Career: MSc Plant Biotechnology UBB Romania, PhD ETH Zurich, Postdoc ETH Zurich and EAWAG, DAS Advanced
- Talk: external page Biology, Medicine, IT – all speak data
Basil Honegger

SRF; Editorial Director «Schweiz aktuell»
- Career: MSc und PhD University of Zurich, trainee SRF "Menschen, Technik, Wissenschaft", internship SRF "Puls", Editorial Director SRF "Schweiz aktuell"
- Talk: external page So unterschiedlich und doch so ähnlich – was Naturwissenschaft und Journalismus verbindet
Sabrina Dilling

Tecan Schweiz AG; Head Application Support
- Career: MSc University of Frankfurt, PhD ETH Zurich, Senior Associate Scientist and Head Application Support CD
- Talk: external page From Pipette to Pipetting Robot - Becoming an Associate Scientist for Product Support and Software Training
Ralph Schiess

ProteoMediX AG Schlieren-Zürich; CEO und Co-Founder
- Career: MSc University of Zurich, PhD and Postdoc ETH Zürich, CEO and co-founder ProteoMediX AG, Schlieren-Zürich
- Talk: external page From science to business
Antia Rodriguez-Villalon

Institute of Molecular Plant Biology, ETH Zurich; Assistant Professor
- Career: MSc and PhD, Research Associate University of Lausanne, Assistant Professor ETH Zurich
- Talk: external page Fascination Plant Research
Nik Walter

Sonntags-Zeitung, Tages-Anzeiger; Head of "Knowledge" Department
- Career: MSc and PhD University of Zurich, Certificate Science Communication UC Santa Cruz, San Francisco Exploratorium,
- Talk: external page Let me tell you about science
Eavan Dorcey

SystemsX; Scientifc Communication
- Career: Msc and PhD University of Valencia, Postdoc University of Lausanne, Clinical Research Associate International Breast Cancer Study Group, Deputy Managing Director
- Talk: external page Forschungsmanagement bei Netzwerke bauen in der Systembiologie
Samuel Huwiler

Oncology, MSD; Brand and Customer Manager
- Career: MSc ETH Zurich, Production and Quality Manager Medinova AG
- Talk: external page Wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse verkaufen
Nora Rösch

Sanofi-Genzyme AG, Baar; Medical Head Multiple Sclerosis
- Career: MSc University of Tübingen, professional MTB Cyclist, PhD ETH Zurich, Medical Head Multiple Sclerosis Sanofi-Genzyme, Baar
- Talk: external page Als Medical Head verantwortlich für die medizinischen Geschehnisse im Bereich Multiple Sklerose