Interested in the Biology Bachelor's

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Warum Biologie studieren? Dieses Video beantwortet dir diese Frage.

We asked our students what they think:

  • Very broad range of research in the Department of Biology: from the molecular basis of cell functions to the molecular mechanisms of diseases (cancer, obesity, wound healing, ...) and the quantitative recording of entire systems
  • Very wide variety of methods used to answer complex questions
  • Work is very interdisciplinary
  • Practice-oriented training
  • Interface between academic research and clinical application
  • Plenty of room for own ideas and solutions

We asked our students what they think:

  • Strong practical relevance of teaching and exciting internships in various areas
  • Great emphasis is placed on a sound basic education (physics, mathematics, statistics, chemistry)
  • Professors seek contact with students and address their questions and concerns
  • Curriculum makes it very easy to discover different subject areas and deepen your own interests at UZH after learning the basics
  • Content and conceptually challenging curriculum in a nurturing and supportive environment
  • Good opportunities for an exchange to another university
  • Great laboratories with good international links -> career opportunities
  • Great campus on Hönggerberg with food, sports, learning, music, event and residential infrastructure
  • Excellent international reputation of ETH
  • What is life? And how may cells have evolved?
  • What are the chemical molecules central to life? 
  • Which energy sources drive life processes and how?
  • How do cells interact chemically and physically with their environment?
  • How is information stored?
  • How does a cell copy itself?
  • How do living beings influence the environment and ultimately the entire Earth?
  • What is the basis of cellular complexity?
  • How did eukaryotic cells evolve?
  • Which processes are common to pro- and eukaryotic organisms, which are not?
  • Which steps lead to the development of cells as we know them from plants, fungi and animals?
  • What are the opportunities and challenges of multicellular life?
  • How did multicellular life emerge? 
  • How does a single cell develop into a multicellular organism with specialized functions of differentiated cells?
  • How do cells in an organism coordinate and communicate? 
  • How has terrestrial life evolved and what are the prerequisites?
  • What are the biological properties that enabled the development of the great diversity in plants and animals?
  • How do organisms distinguish between self and non-self?
  • What causes diseases and how can we lay the foundations for their cure?

Sources of information on choosing a course of study

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