D-BIOL professors (in alphabetical order)
Nicola Aceto: Molecular Oncology -
Fred Allain: Structural Biology of Protein-RNA Interaction in Health and Disease -
Nenad Ban: Ribosome Structure and Its Functional Complexes -
Yves Barral: Mechanisms and Function of Asymmetric Cell Division -
Pedro Beltrao: Computational Systems Biology -
Bernd Bodenmiller: Quantitative Biomedicine -
Kirsten Bomblies: Plant Evolutionary Genetics -
Jacob Corn: Genome Biology -
Helmuth Gehart: Tumor and Stem Cell Dynamics -
Rudolf Glockshuber: Protein Folding and Stability -
Wolf-Dietrich Hardt: Salmonella Pathogenesis -
Manuela Hospenthal: Mechanisms of Natural Transformation in Bacteria -
Takashi Ishikawa: Structural Biology of Eukaryotic Flagella/Cilia -
Madhav Jagannathan: Satellite DNA function within species and beyond -
Stefanie Jonas: Nuclear assembly of protein-RNA complexes -
Tatjana Kleele: Mitochondrial Biology -
Manfred Kopf: Inflammatory & Infectious Diseases -
Volodymyr Korkhov: Molecular Mechanisms of Signal Transduction -
Markus Künzler: Molecular Defense Mechanisms -
Ulrike Kutay: Dynamic Organization of the Cell Nucleus -
Kaspar Locher: Structure and Mechanism of Membrane Proteins -
Thomas Michaels: Soft and Living Matter Physics -
Gabriel Neurohr: How cell size affects cell function -
Annette Oxenius: Infection Immunology -
Matthias Peter: Cell Growth and Division -
Paola Picotti: Protein Misfolding and Aggregation in Cells -
Jörn Piel: Bacterial Natural Products -
Natalia Pikor: Neuroimmunology -
Martin Pilhofer: Cryo-electron microscopy -
Federica Sallusto: Medical Immunology -
Uwe Sauer: Systems Biology of Metabolism -
Ralph Schlapbach: Functional Genomics Center Zurich -
Markus Stoffel: Metabolism and Metabolic Diseases -
Shinichi Sunagawa: Microbiome Research -
Ueli Suter: Neuron-Glia Interactions and Myelination -
Olivier Voinnet: RNA Biology -
Julia Vorholt: Microbial Physiology -
Eilika Weber-Ban: Chaperone-Protease Complexes -
Karsten Weis: Biology of the Nucleus -
Sabine Werner: Tissue Repair and the Parallels to Cancer -
Michal Wieczorek: Integrative Structural Biology of the Cytoskeleton -
Kurt Wüthrich: NMR-based Structural Biology -
Anton Wutz: Epigenetic Regulation and Cell Identity Control -
Nicola Zamboni: Systems Biology of Metabolism -
Samuel Zeeman: Plant Biochemistry

D-BIOL professors emeriti (in alphabetical order)
Ruedi Aebersold: Composition, organization and function of the proteome -
Markus Aebi: Microbial Glycobiology -
Nikolaus Amrhein: Plant Cell Metabolism -
Hans M. Eppenberger: Heart Development and Differentiation -
Wilhelm Gruissem: Plant Biotechnology -
Ernst Hafen: Genetic Control of Development -
Ari Helenius: Virus Host Interactions -
Hans Hengartner: Immunology -
Hauke Hennecke: Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation -
Josef Jiricny: Molecular Cancer Research -
Antonio Lanzavecchia: Immune Regulation -
Timothy Richmond: Molecular Structure of Chromatin -
Gebhard Schertler: Laboratory of Biomolecular Research