Preventing and combating discrimination and sexual harassment

Respect campaign

With the slogan "Make a point. Out of respect" and trenchant poster subjects, ETH Zurich conducted the respect campaign in the 2017/18 summer semester. The aim of the campaign was to sharpen the senses of ETH staff and students for the perception of generally recognised and individual boundaries and not to exceed them. Respectful and professional interaction with one another is cultivated and lived.

Code of conduct "Respect"

ETH Zurich's Code of Conduct Respect serves as a guideline on how ETH Zurich employees treat each other. It defines which types of behaviour are not tolerated and how to react in the event of misconduct. Part of this code of conduct deals with sexual harassment and discrimination based on gender. Not only is it prohibited by law, but it has far-reaching negative consequences for both the persons concerned and the institution. At ETH Zurich, sexual harassment is therefore not tolerated and has personnel and/or disciplinary consequences, regardless of the position and function of the person harassing. The Department of Biology fully endorses and implements this code of conduct.

Detailed information on sexual harassment and dicrimination (how it manifests itself, where are the limits, how do I proceed, etc.) can be found here.


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