Scientific Staff at the D-BIOL (AMB)

Link to the website of the AMB

About Us

AMB (Akademischer Mittelbau am Departement Biologie) is the official association of non-faculty academic staff (wissenschaftlicher Mittelbau) at the Department of Biology (D-BIOL) of ETH Zürich. All scientific staff is part of AMB and eligible for the representative positions in the departmental conferences. Active membership can be obtained through enrollment to AVETH, the association of academic staff at ETH level.

Download Rules of procedure (PDF, 141 KB)

Board 2024 / 25

  • Chair: Gautier Stehli
  • Vice chair: Juan Mellado Tenorio
  • Treasurer: Cara Sickinger


At D-BIOL, decision-making is sub-divided in three chambers: the departmental conference (DK), the professor conference (PK) and the conference of the teaching commission (UK), each of which has specific tasks assigned. In the departmental and teaching conference, besides faculty, AMB delegates represent the scientific staff.

One of AMB's main tasks is to organize the election of all scientific staff delegates at D-BIOL. AMB ensures that those voices are given to motivated members over all institutes at D-BIOL.

Moreover, AMB sends delegates to the professor recruitment committees in order to assess the candidate's qualifications, experience and intentions regarding teaching, thesis supervision and mentoring.

Organisation of AMB/Delegation at D-BIOL Conferences

Organization of the AMB

Delegates 2024 / 25

Scientific staff representatives DK

  • Corinne Kaufmann, Rachel Mellon, Thomas Gassler
  • Substitution: Gautier Stehli, Marina Kunzi

Scientific staff representatives UK

  • Rahel Gertsch, Aitor Camardiel Pellicer, Florina Marxer
  • Substitution: Cara Sickinger, Gautier Stehli

Scientific staff representatives institutes

  • IBC: Martina Bonassera, Noémie Kociolek
  • IMB : Rahel Gertsch
  • IMBB: Juan Mellado Tenorio
  • IMHS: Moritz Schlapansky
  • IMSB: Dennis Gankin
  • IMPB: vacant  


Besides its political task, AMB organizes scientific activities including various excursions and interdepartmental lab tours. Additionally, AMB supports and provides a platform for the organization of career related events such as webinars, career fairs and roundtable discussions.

Furthermore, AMB ensures a positive working environment at D-BIOL and promotes intra- and interdepartmental interactions by organizing social events including the Hönggergames, the Happy Hour, sport tournaments and welcome events for new employees.

On a political level, AMB strives to improve the supervision and mentoring for the scientific staff in the department.



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