
Various forms are required in connection with the administration of doctorates (see below).

Additionally, other forms are required for contact with the ETH Academic Services. These forms can be found here.

Supervision of the doctorate by senior lecturers or honorary professors

If a dissertation shall be supervised by a Privatdozent or an honorary professor the approval of the head of the respective institute as well as of the doctoral studies panel of the D-BIOL is a prerequisite. Please send the form "Download Supervision of the Doctorate by Senior Lecturers and Honorary Professors (PDF, 236 KB)" to above address.

Dissertation outside ETH domain

Dissertations carried out at public or private institions outside the ETH domain can be applied for using the form "Download Dissertation outside the ETH domain (PDF, 768 KB)". Besides this form a concept must be submitted explaining in detail why this dissertation must be carried out externally. The mentioned documents together with the application documents are handed in at the doctoral administration office of the Academic Services (ETH main building, HG FO 23.4).

Registration to the doctoral examination

In order to register for the doctoral examination please use the form "Download Registration for the doctoral examination (PDF, 934 KB)". Before registering at the doctoral administration office of the Academic Services the credit points must be confirmed by the D-BIOL doctoral administration.  

Compensation for external co-examiners

With the form "Download Compensation for ETH-external co-examiners (PDF, 32 KB)" external co-examiners (apart from those of the University of Zurich) can apply for a single payment of Fr. 400.-- covering the costs arising in connection with the review.

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