Systems NMR: multi-omic time-resolved analysis of biomolecular networks

Understanding the logic of biomolecular networks requires quantification of different molecule and reaction types. A recent "Nature Methods" paper led by Yaroslav Nikolaev (Allain lab) demonstrates the potential of NMR spectroscopy to obtain such multiplexed and dynamic information using single-sample observations.

by Dominic Dähler
Graphical abstract
Conceptual illustration showing the level of detail provided the Systems NMR approach

Cellular behavior is controlled by the interplay of diverse biomolecules. Most experimental methods, however, can monitor only a single molecule class or reaction type at a time. The ETH DBIOL / DBSSE team developed an in vitro Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy (NMR) approach, which permitted dynamic quantification of an entire 'heterotypic' network – simultaneously monitoring three distinct molecule classes (metabolites, proteins, RNA) and all elementary reaction types (bimolecular interactions, catalysis, unimolecular changes). Focusing on an 8-reaction co-transcriptional RNA folding network, the team was able to record in a single sample over 35 time-points with over 170 observable signals each – thereby obtaining a external pagequantitative 'video' of the network dynamics. The computational model based on these data revealed unexpected cross-talk between the different reactions, including a dynamic phase-separation in a system of five distinct RNA binding domains occurring during RNA transcription. The Systems NMR approach thus promises to provide a deeper system-level understanding of biological network dynamics by combining the dynamic resolution of biochemical assays and the multiplexing ability of “omics”.

Link to the publication in external page"Nature Methods".

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