Welcome to the Department of Biology
Madhav Jagannathan joined the D-BIOL as an Assistant Professor of Cellular Dynamics and was welcomed as a new department member in the department conference of 30 September.

Madhav Jagannathan investigates the role of non-coding, highly repetitive DNA – known as satellite DNA – which is found in particular chromosome regions. His work is set to provide important new insights into the way genome organisation affects genetic stability, and into the causes of genetic conflicts between related species. The appointment of Madhav Jagannathan will enable the Department of Biology to strengthen its research into the molecular mechanisms of cellular organisation and function, and expand its focus on the biology of the nucleus to include evolutionary questions.
The official start in the D-BIOL was on 1 August, this professorship is located in the Institute of Biochemistry.
Link to the website of the Jagannathan group.