Graduation in isolation – Defending my PhD thesis in corona-times

My defense turned out to be same and different from my expectations all at once. Same, for there is still tension, nervousness and uncertainty. And of course the work will be presented to the committee, come what may. Different, for there is no physically present audience, friends and family stay home and everything takes place online.

Rahel Wettstein
Defended her PhD thesis in isolation: Rahel Wettstein, PhD student in the lab of Joao Matos (IBC).

A PhD is a bit like a marathon. It requires motivation, dedication and endurance. And the finish line is the defense date. Earlier this year, I started to see that finish line. Inevitably, I started to daydream how it would be. Discussing the apéro preparations with my family, looking forward to proudly present the work achieved in the past years to friends and family.

Of course, I followed the news on the virus spreading in Asia, but did not yet allow it to figure in my PhD preparation plans. Time flew by and I was too busy with meeting the hand-in deadline to keep close attention on the developments. However, when the ETH administration offices were closed down only days after handing in, it dawned on me that my PhD defense might not be quite like I’ve imagined it for all those years. Piece by piece the defense event was reduced to the minimum until only the presentation for the committee and the Q&A session remained.

I was left with a whole bunch of questions and not a small portion of disappointment. Will it still take place? How do I hold a presentation from the distance? What will have to be re-organized? Fortunately, the shutdown was well thought through by people in charge and in no time, solutions were found and implemented. Yes, the exam took place as scheduled. And Zoom (as mentioned in several previous reports) was the magical program making everything possible. Soon, screen sharing, waiting rooms and raise hands function became a piece of cake.

But the disappointment remained in the back of my head. How could I enjoy this big day without friends to celebrate with? There, I had unjustly made the calculation without my friends and family. They supported me in all possible ways from a distance. Be it by patiently listening to (several) mock talks, giving me suggestions, listening to my worries. Moreover, I received many emails, text messages and video calls with well wishes and I could stay at my family's place for the defense to celebrate with them. Even my friends and lab colleagues were there for the apéro – online of course. ;-)

In the end, my defense turned out to be the special and memorable event I expected it to be, although in a slightly different manner than expected.

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