Julia Vorholt elected EMBO member

In its press release of 11 June, the European Molecular Biology Organisation announces who has been appointed EMBO member in 2019. One of the 56 newly elected members is Julia Vorholt, group leader at the Institute of Microbiology of the Department of Biology.
Redundant processes in immunotherapy signaling processes revealed
Immunotherapy shows spectacular success in treating some types of cancers, but unfortunately only in a minority of patients. A study by the Gstaiger (IMSB), Aebersold (IMSB), and Malissen (CNRS Marseille) groups, which appeared in Cell Reports, identifies new redundancy mechanisms using proteomics and mouse models.
The intestinal mucus architecture affects Salmonella Typhimurium infection patterns
A layer of viscous mucus lines the intestinal tract and protects the host tissue from bacterial infection. In a recent publication in "Cell Reports", the Hardt lab describes how the pathogen Salmonella Typhimurium interacts with the intestinal mucus and finds its way across this protective barrier.
EMBO Gold Medal awarded to Paola Picotti

The EMBO Gold Medal is awarded annually to young researchers in Europe for their outstanding achievements in the field of life sciences. One of the two winners in 2019 is Paola Picotti, Professor at the Institute of Molecular Systems Biology at ETH Zurich.