ERC Synergy Grant for Nenad Ban

The ETH Zurich biology professor, together with two colleagues from Germany and the Netherlands, will receive one of these prestigious grants, the European Research Commission announced on 25 October. The grant amount is 9.4 million euros.
A pro-tumorigenic mDia2-MIRO1 axis controls mitochondrial positioning and function in cancer-associated fibroblasts

A recent "Cancer Research" paper by the Werner group (IMHS) discovered that mitochondrial positioning and associated metabolic activities are crucial for cancer-associated fibroblasts to exert their pro-tumorigenic effects. The study also identifies a novel signaling axis as a target for therapeutic intervention.
Widespread microbial utilization of ribosomal β-amino acid-containing peptides and proteins

A recent collaborative effort of the Piel (D-BIOL), Bode (D-CHAB) and Zhang (Fudan University) labs was recently published in Chem. It reveals the existence of a widespread family of microbial β-amino acid-containing ribosomal peptides called spliceotides that are highly potent protease-inhibitors.
Unusual RNA binding properties by an essential protein for germ cell survival

Joining forces with the Ciaudo (IMHS) and Hall (IPW, D-CHAB) labs, the Allain group (IBC) gained structural insights into the unusual mode of RNA recognition by the Dead End protein complemented by biochemical and cellular experiments. The results were published in Nature Communications.
Novel biochemical, structural, and systems insights into inflammatory signaling revealed by contextual interaction proteomics

A recent PNAS paper by the Aebersold group (IMSB) in collaboration with the Meier group (ICR, London) developed a new proteomic workflow to investigate composition, absolute stoichiometry and assembly dynamics of the TNF receptor signaling complex.