Glycan recognition and reaction priming of eukaryotic oligosaccharyltransferase

A recent article in the journal "Nature Communications" by the Locher group (IMBB) in collaboration with the Aebi (IMB) and Reymond (Uni Bern) groups revealed how eukaryotic oligosaccharyltransferase enzymes recognize their glycan donor to modify acceptor proteins.
Honorary Doctorate of the University of Fribourg conferred on Prof. Federica Sallusto

At its Dies academicus, the University of Fribourg has conferred the title Doctor honoris causa (Dr. h. c.) on Prof. Federica Sallusto in recognition of her outstanding scientific and professional achievements.
Activation of Nrf2 in fibroblasts promotes a skin aging phenotype via an Nrf2-miRNA-collagen axis

A "Matrix Biology" paper by the Werner group (IMHS) shows that activation of the Nrf2 transcription factor in fibroblasts causes reduced skin strength as seen during aging. This results from miRNA-mediated reduction of major collagens. The data identify Nrf2 as a promoter of age-related molecular and biomechanical skin features.
Immune cells: A picture worth a thousand words

A recent Science Advances publication by the Snijder lab (IMSB) shows that multiplexed imaging of immune cells reveals more about the blood donor than previously thought. The work highlights new possibilities for personal health quantification and phenotypic drug discovery.