Structural basis of the Meinwald rearrangement catalysed by styrene oxide isomerase

The recent Nature Chemistry paper by the group of Volodymyr Korkhov (IMBB, ETHZ & PSI) in collaboration with Xiaodan Li and Richard Kammerer (PSI) and other collaborators, describes that structure of a bacterial styrene oxide isomerase (SOI), a membrane enzyme that catalyzes the Meinwald reaction, isomerizing an epoxide to a carbonyl compound.
Distinct life cycle stages of an ectosymbiotic DPANN archaeon

A recent "ISME journal" paper by the Pilhofer lab (IMBB) in collaboration with the Albers lab (Molecular Biology of Archaea at University of Freiburg) discovered distinct stages in the life cycle of ectosymbiotic DPANN archaeon Nanobdella aerobiophila.
Solving mysteries of plant small RNA movement

A publication in Plant Journal by the Voinnet group (IMPB) addresses several outstanding questions pertaining to the cell-to-cell and vascular movement of small interfering (si)RNAs in Arabidopsis.
A guide to plant siRNAs

In a recent review published in Plant Cell, Olivier Voinnet (IMPB) and his colleague Hervé Vaucheret (INRAE, Versailles) provide an in-depth and comprehensive overview of the plant siRNA landscape, emphasizing the extraordinary diversity of their biogenesis and functions.
A highly optimized human in-vitro translation system

A new method paper published by the Ban group (IMBB) in “Cell Reports Methods” describes the production and use of an improved Human In-vitro Translation System (HITS), that is capable of highly efficient and regulated ribosomal protein synthesis in a cell-free environment.