Systems Biology
Important information
Systems biology targets networks, cells, organs and complete organisms by integrating experimental data with computational and theoretical approaches. It thus combines concepts from different scientific disciplines to obtain a quantitative understanding of complex biological systems in terms of their components and interactions.
Experimentally, the focus is on development and application of novel quantitative methods for global analysis of cellular components (e.g. the proteome or metabolome) and their manipulation, for example through small interference (si) RNA screens. Computationally, the focus is on developing bioinformatics methods for data analysis and mathematical models for in silico experiments. Model-based integration of large and heterogeneous data sets opens new perspectives for deeper insights into human disease as well as development of new therapies and novel biotechnological processes. This interdisciplinary major is designed for biologists, bioinformaticians and computer scientists and promotes interdisciplinary communication skills. Depending on interest and capabilities, a focus on theoretical or experimental aspects will be encouraged.
Every student's study programme is defined in the learning agreement in myStudies.
- Go to “Functions” > “Learning agreement”. The compulsory courses are already listed. The compulsory electives and the elective courses can be entered according to the discussion with your major advisor. In the end submit your entries to your major advisor for approval.
- The learning agreement does not have to be complete in the beginning and it can be changed during the course of the study time. All additions and changes have to be approved by your major advisor.
- All compulsory courses are marked with “Yes” in the section “Completion of mandatory courses”.
- Compulsory courses that were done in the ETH Biology Bachelor’s programme have to be marked with “Other programme”.
- In the rare case a compulsory course does not have to be taken with agreement of your major advisor it can be marked with “No”.
- The section “ECTS credits” shows the planned, the needed minimum and the missing CPs in the categories “Compulsory Subjects and Compulsory Electives”, “Electives” and “Research Projects” (not shown Master’s thesis, Master’s exam and GESS-course).
- For the Master’s degree 24 CPs must be acquired in the categories “Compulsory Subjects and Compulsory Electives” and “Electives” whereof at least 18 CPs have to come from the category “Compulsory Subjects and Compulsory Electives”.
- Courses listed in the learning agreement must be registered in myStudies under “Course registration” (no automatic transfer!).If a course is registered, the dot in front of the course’s name in the learning agreement turns green. Without a registration it turns red.
- Locationlocation_onHPM H 45
- Phonephone+41 44 633 31 41
- contactsvCard Download
Inst. f. Molekulare Systembiologie
Otto-Stern-Weg 3
8093 Zürich