Uncovering the interaction landscape of bacteria on Arabidopsis leaves

Published recently in "Nature Microbiology", Schäfer and collaborators (Vorholt lab) systematically probed several thousand interactions among the bacterial leaf microbiota in planta. They found that competition is prevalent and identified a novel peptidase that triggers cell lysis as an interaction mechanism.
Dynamic character displacement among members of the plant microbiome

In a recent "Nature Communications" paper, the Vorholt group at IMB, investigated the concept of dynamic character displacement using a proteomics approach. They observed a phenotypic shift in two bacterial commensals in planta during coexistence, minimizing their niche overlap.
Shedding new light on the mechanism of individual cell memory, using yeast as a model

In “Current Biology”, the Barral group at IBC, in collaboration with the Caudron group at the Queen Mary University in London, and the Saarikangas group at the University of Helsinki, and the Hilvert group at D-CHAB has brought to light two new pieces of information in the Whi3 mnemon puzzle.
Impairment of cellulose degradation machinery enhances Fusarium oxysporum virulence but limits its reproductive fitness

A recent "Science Advances" paper led by Francisco Gámez-Arjona from the Sánchez-Rodríguez group (IMPB) demonstrates that, unexpectedly, cellulose degradation is not vital for fungal pathogen’s infection, which holds implications for understanding and controlling fungal diseases.
Federica Sallusto elected International Member of the National Academy of Sciences

The National Academy of Sciences recently announced the election of new members and international members. One of the awardees is Federica Sallusto, Professor of Medical Immunology in the D-BIOL's Institute of Microbiology.