Animal-associated marine Acidobacteria with a rich natural product repertoire

A recent ”Chem” paper by the Piel and Sunagawa groups (IMB) in collaboration with the Wakimoto lab at Hokkaido University reveals Acidobacteria, a poorly studied bacterial phylum, as a rich source of bioactive natural products.
Conformations of Macrocyclic Peptides Sampled by NMR: Models for Cell-Permeability

A recent “Journal of the American Chemical Society” paper by the biomolecular NMR platform (BNSP) in collaboration with the Künzler group (Institute of Microbiology) and Prof. Güntert (IMPS, D-CHAB) presents a novel approach to probe conformations and dynamics of peptides.
Identifying microbiota patterns important for plant protection using machine learning

In a recent study published in "Nature Communications", the Vorholt lab investigated the properties of plant microbiota involved in host protection against pathogen colonization. They identified the presence of specific strains that confer robust protection across different biotic contexts.
Stochastic chain termination in bacterial pilus assembly

Researchers from the Glockshuber group report the reconstitution of bacterial type 1 pilus assembly in vitro, show that the naturally observed pilus length distribution results from a stochastic chain termination reaction, and present a complete kinetic model for pilus rod assembly and termination.
Determination of an SR Protein's RNA Preference Points to its Chaperone Role for Splicing

In a "Nature Communications" paper, the Allain lab (IBC) with the Panse and Robinson groups (UZH) elucidated with a new method the in vivo RNA targets of NPL3, solved the structure of its RRMs with RNA, and then based on this knowledge could show that the protein likely acts an RNA chaperone for spliceosome assembly.