Stochastic chain termination in bacterial pilus assembly

Researchers from the Glockshuber group report the reconstitution of bacterial type 1 pilus assembly in vitro, show that the naturally observed pilus length distribution results from a stochastic chain termination reaction, and present a complete kinetic model for pilus rod assembly and termination.
Determination of an SR Protein's RNA Preference Points to its Chaperone Role for Splicing

In a "Nature Communications" paper, the Allain lab (IBC) with the Panse and Robinson groups (UZH) elucidated with a new method the in vivo RNA targets of NPL3, solved the structure of its RRMs with RNA, and then based on this knowledge could show that the protein likely acts an RNA chaperone for spliceosome assembly.
Compacted, yet Flexible: Integrative Structure Determination of Protein RNA Complexes

A "Nature Communications" paper by five ETHZ groups reported an approach for the integrative structure determination of protein RNA complexes containing flexible regions, resulting in several conformations. This approach revealed that PTBP1 acts as a chaperone for a viral IRES RNA.
ERC Starting Grant for Tatjana Kleele

The Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) has awarded SNSF Starting Grants to promising scientific talents to support the beginning of their careers. This year, 67 scientists throughout Switzerland received this award. Tatjana Kleele is one of the 13 researchers at ETH Zurich who will receive one of this presitigious grants. Altogether around 22 million Swiss francs will flow to ETH Zurich.
Inflammation-induced TRIM21 represses hepatic steatosis by promoting the ubiquitination of lipogenic regulators

A recent "Journal of Clinical Investigation" paper by the Stoffel group (IMHS) in collaboration with the Heim group (University Hospital Basel) demonstrates a novel role of the E3 ubiquitin ligase Trim21 in the control of fructose and lipid metabolism and the development of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH).