Promoting the compatibility of work and family life
ETH Zurich offers a comprehensive range of services to help you reconcile your professional and family life. The range of services includes:
- individual, free advice
- childcare
- day-care center
- various events for parents
- nursing rooms
- sports activities for children
- specific support for doctoral students/postdocs (Robert Gnehm contributions for conference visits, short research stays, etc.)
- and much more besides
Click here for the childcare services offered by ETH Zurich.
Maternity leave compensation from the D-BIOL
Delays due to lack of project progress during maternity leave are one of the possible causes of loss of competitiveness for PhD students and postdocs. To overcome this risk, the D-BIOL has reserved funds to cover the salary of one support person during the last 3 months of pregnancy to ensure appropriate training so that the project will continue during the duration of the maternity leave.
More details about the application procedure can be found in the Download guidelines (PDF, 209 KB) and the Download annex to the guidelines (PDF, 111 KB).
Meeting times
The D-BIOL supports the compatibility of family and career by scheduling meetings and conferences (PC, DK) in such a way that they start early in the day and are finished early in the evening.
Child care at the D-BIOL Symposium
Every two years the D-BIOL Symposium takes place at the Davos Congress Centre. In order to enable all researchers to participate, the Department of Biology covers the costs of childcare on site.
The ALEA Award honors leaders who provide modern and innovative working conditions and who promote and actively support the compatibility of career, family and part-time work. The award is presented by AVETH with the support of the Equal! office and HR.